Effective seat training helps you
become a better rider. You will feel more secure in the saddle and
you will be able to use your aids more efficiently. All riders,
regardless of level, benefit from seat training and professional
feedback. But if you experience any of the following you will most
definitely benefit from seat training:
- your upper body leans forward in downward transitions
- you lose one or both stirrups
- your feet are bouncing in the stirrups
- the contact in the reins comes and goes
- you cannot sit deep in the saddle
- sitting trot is uncomfortable
- you cannot remain in two point position for as long as you would like
- you get tired when posting the trot
- you are left behind the horse's motions in, for instance, canter departs or lateral movements
- the slightest un-rhythmical or unexpected movement on your horse's part will unseat you or even cause you to fall off
The trademark of a good seat is a
stable position that is not affected when the rider moves hers arms,
hands, legs or feet, a supple posture of the rider's upper body and a
soft suppleness in all gaits, in transitions of speed and direction..
focus on the individual’s needs
When you do seat training with me you
will ride on one of my calm and stable school horses while I lunge
the horse. This will enable you to concentrate fully on your seat
without the distraction of controlling the horse you are sitting on.
The training consists of specific movements designed to help you
explore the feeling of balance and coordination. These exercises will
help you recognise the feeling of an erect and supple posture which
will enable you to follow the horse easily in all gaits.
In real life
Effective seat training adheres to an
old and well tested list of priorities; the first order of business
is the rider's upper body. The key to a supple and balanced seat on
horseback is the erectness of the rider's upper body and the balance
of this erect body over the rider's seat bones. What this means in
real life, what it feels like and how you can stay in this supple
balance in walk, trot and canter is what you will experience during
seat training with me. In order to enable the rider to explore the
feeling of true balance, seat training is done without the use of
When the rider can recognise and change
and control the balance in her upper body at will it is time to
consider the position of the lower legs. When the rider can control
both the balance of the upper body and the position of the lower leg
without tensing in all gaits, when the use of the stirrups doesn't
negatively affect the balance of the upper body, then you have
reached the goal: a supple and balanced seat.
Seat training includes the following
- erectness and balance of the upper body
- following the horse with your seat in all gaits without disturbing no 1
- the placement of the lower leg without disturbing no 1 and 2
How many lessons?
1 lesson will give you useful ideas
3 lessons will give you the ability to
recognise when your balance is better or worse
6 lessons will give you the ability to
make efficient corrections on your own
12 lessons will give you a good
foundation to stay in relaxed balance automatically which allows you
to concentrate on riding and communicating with your horse
Here is a video showing Effective Seat
training (in Swedish)
Client success stories
Lena! I have just had the most fantastic day with my horse! After some
seat training, the same exercise we did in our last lesson, I asked
for tolt using the light half halt and breathing. It worked so
amazingly well! I'm so happy!
Kerstin Johansson
I want to share this with you. My daughter (13 years old) did some
seat training with you. A few months later we participated in the
Swedish Championships for New Forest ponies. Everything went very
well but the best was when one judge gave her extra points for her
seat. Thank you!
Maria Tayli
Lena! Thanks to you I have become more aware of my strengths and my
weaknesses. I missed your clinic since I went to clinics with Perry
Wood and Rui Almeida back to back. I haven't trained with them in 6
months. Both pointed out how much better my equestrian tact had
become and they were both very happy with the progress my horses as a
result had done. I sure owe you a huge thanks, you have made me, the
horses and my trainers happy!
Gunilla Grebbert
book your lesson, contact lena.danius@ekipage-1.se.
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